1) Playing with the blog layout today. Went back to a 'stretch' option like chailoveyou but nothing too wild & crazy because I am anything but a master of HTML. That stuff is for the birds, y'all. Don't get it. I just know that because of it I now have a fun, pretty font in the date/post/sidebar titles. Went back and changed the header font to match... not sure I'm diggin' it yet. Looks like Athen'sista'... which... maybe I could be a 'sista' if only my students didn't remind me on a daily basis that I'm white enough to be Edward Cullen's sister. Only time will tell... I change the look of my blog like I change my underwear... once every few weeks. Did I get you there? Surely I jest. But I guess you'll jest never know.
2) Twitter... I like to tweet. Lots of you also like to tweet and I have probably started "following" you. And you let me... which is good because if you ran I would just chase you anyway. I tried to put my tweets in the sidebar. Only I forgot that I locked them up and threw away the key. (At least until the end of May when school is out... who knew my students would be into Twitter? Not that they probably care about my tweets buuuut... did I ever tell you about the time this kid totally convinced me he knows where I live? And that he'd read my "online diary" ... which he said was on Myspace... whiiiiich it totally isn't because I hate Myspace. Still. Messed with my mind. Freaky deaky.) So... if you're tweeting and you want to share a nest, you can follow me here.
3) Here are the rest of my fitting room confessions from Anthro last Sunday:
Can't remember the name of the dress... I just know I was crazy for the way they styled it here:
Unfortunately, I was not crazy about the dress itself. The neckline was too high for it to be flattering and even though I tried it on a size smaller than I thought I would need, it was still loose and bulky in the waist. So if you like this one, size down. Still love it styled Anthro's way and the fabric is pretty sturdy, not to mention gorgeous. Just not gorgeous enough to make up for the fit issues.
Next I the Fragmented Pipevine Dress. Not on sale but the fit was great - better than the photo shows. Only thing: it snaps all the way down so it's what some might call "easy access." Some people are into that. Not judging. Just sayin'.
Finally, I tried on this grey, floral button-up sweater cardigan... don't know the name (obviously by my eloquent description). Loved it on the hanger. Looked a little big-ish so I grabbed a small and even the small practically swallowed me whole! Never happens, folks. Definitely size down if you're looking at this one (I don't think it's on the site anymore). The armpits are saggy (I know they're meant to be) which could be cute but I felt like a bag lady - the look on my face says it all, I think. Also, I found the fabric to be a little on the scratchy and staticy side.
After I grabbed my sale rack pieces, I browsed the front tables (naturally... anyone who manages to escape Anthropologie without browsing all the pieces they can't afford is clearly not human. Beware of those 'people' and walk away.) and came across the Off-the-Tie-Rack blouse. Wasn't crazy about this one online but it was so much more stunning in person. I tried this one on first before I thought to document so no photo... but trust me that it's amazing. Fit is a little roomy up top and maybe a little short if you have a long torso but I thought it was okay for me. If I wanted to layer something under, I'd probably just use a yellow cami to play off the tie. Might have to keep this one on my wishlist... you know, once it's on its fifteenth markdown.
Has anyone tried on the Tassel Fronds Dress? WANT.
P.S.... so glad I used my Valentine's Day for the Starbound Dress because it's not on the site anymore. Whew... could've been ugly.
And here is what I wore for my day of shopping and lusting:

This outfit actually felt kinda dumpy once I was out of the house but I got a handful of compliments on it so I thought I'd share after all...
- Sweater: Cillie's Clothing (in Athens)
- Eyelet tank: F21
- Skinnies: 'Sweetheart' skinny from Old Navy
- Boots: Steve Madden
WOWZA, that's a long post! Happy Saturday, everyone!
I just looked up that blouse, it's stunning!
how did you change all your font headers?! love your boots again!
Ooh I like the look of the blog!
I keep stalking the Fragmented Pipevine dress on eBay...definitely cheaper, but only currently in a size smaller than what I tried on and I have no idea if it would fit (felt a bit big when I tried it on, but dumbly didn't grab a size smaller to see). Maaaaybe I'll own it someday. :)
Too bad about that first dress. It probably wouldn't be flattering on me either, but I can't find out for another couple of weeks.
The outfit is definitely not dumpy!
SO glad I found your blog! I think we have very similar taste in a lot of stuff! Love it! :)
Oooh, love your Anthro reviews! The Off the Tie Rack Blouse is absolutely gorgeous.
Love your blog changes -- just curious, how did you change your font headers? I'm so html- unsavvy.
- JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk
did you get the pipevine dress? it looks perfect on you!
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